Welcome to our CS209a Project: Twitter Troll Detection!
We live in times of unprecedented technological advancement. Some of the greatest developments in society and culture today are social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. These vast online networks are used ubiquitously around the globe for connecting with friends and sharing information. While this undoubtedly provides a lot of positive utility in most cases, there are situations where these unregulated social networks can be harmful. Most notably, Twitter was recently used by “troll” agents with the aim of swaying public opinion and influencing the results of the 2016 U.S. election.
Thanks to the FiveThirtyEight organization, we have obtained a dataset containing high-fidelity tweets produced by trolls. This dataset contains nearly 3 million tweets sent from Twitter handles connected to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Russian “troll factory” and a defendant in an indictment filed by the Justice Department in February 2018, as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The vast majority of the tweets in this dataset were posted from 2015 through 2017 (straddling the 2016 presidential election).
Using the FiveThirtyEight data as positive-troll examples, we have collected an equally large set of tweets through various search queries relating to the 2016 election (see here and here). We use these data as negative-troll examples. We are well aware that this non-troll dataset may in fact include trolls, but these concerns are dampened by the fact that the overall population of trolls is relatively small compared to regular users, and that Twitter actively removes tweets from troll users (resulting in an even smaller proportion of tweets which come from trolls).
Following the results of our exploratory data analysis (EDA), we clean, temporally slice and stratify our data such that the distribution of tweet post dates are approximately equal, as shown in the cleaning. When all is said and done, the temporal distribution of the data looks as follows (roughly equal).
We select the following features to use for training: content, number of followers, number of following, and whether or not the tweet is a retweet. An example of the features we use to train our models is shown below.
To make things more interesting, we do two different types of data splitting: random and temporal.
Random: this is the classic train/val/test split, with completely uniform selection.
Temporal: train on tweets before time $T$, and test on tweets after time $T$
In summary, the number of tweets and label proportions (% trolls) in each split are given below:
Split Method | Train Size | Val Size | Test Size | % Trolls |
Random | 266003 | 33250 | 33251 | 50 |
Temporal | 266003 | 33250 | 33251 | 66 |
As you can see, we chose the temporal split such that the dataset sizes would be equal, and this resulted in a higher proportion of trolls (but still reasonable) in the temporal set. See EDA and cleaning for more info.
The general goal in this project is to predict $P(troll|tweet)=P(y|X)$, with classification accuracy as our measure of performance. We test three methods for representing the text component of $X$ (if you are unfamiliar with any of these methods, Google returns a plethora of useful results):
Bag-of-Words (BoW)
Term-Frequency Inverse-Document-Frequency (TF-IDF)
Pre-trained Semantic Sentence Embeddings (from InferSent)
And we fit four different models:
Baseline Naive Bayes
Fully Connected Neural Network
We invite you to click on the above links for an in-depth look at each of the methods we used.
Below we present the percent accuracy in classifying troll vs. non-troll. As you can see, Logistic Regression performed the best, with the neural network coming in a close second. It is also interesting to note that the Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes models fit the data in less than 10 seconds on a 6-core machine, while SVM takes 40 minutes on the same machine. On a GPU, the neural network takes roughly 3-4 minutes to fit.
Random Split | Temporal Split | |||
Model | Train | Test | Train | Test |
Naive Bayes (BoW) | 96.0 | 88.1 | 95.3 | 84.4 |
Naive Bayes (TF-IDF) | 95.1 | 85.8 | 96.0 | 80.3 |
Logistic Regression (BoW) | 97.3 | 96.7 | 97.5 | 95.9 |
SVM (BoW) | 93.1 | 92.9 | 87.7 | 87.5 |
Neural Net (Embedding) | 96.4 | 96.1 | 96.5 | 95.3 |
A few things to note are:
Since Logistic Regression is an easily interpretable model (the coefficients of a feature represent the log-odds for the predicted probability), we were able to extract the top 10 most important features in predicting trolls and non-trolls. It is exciting that some of the features and words we identified in EDA showed up here. One example of a word that our model found particularly useful for identifying trolls is the “trumpforpresident” hashtag.
We also provide some interesting visualizations of the principal components of the neural network’s layers here.
Strictly speaking, our results are quite good. We have achieved approximately $96$% accuracy in classifying trolls vs. non-trolls using the text, number of followers, number of following, and the retweet binary flag. We are also pleased that many of the aspects that we identified as possibly good features for classification in our EDA turned out to be useful.
On the other hand, we must remind ourselves that what we are really classifying are IRA trolls. Since our data for trolls come only from IRA Twitter handles, it is dubious for us to conclude that our models will generalize to all trolls.
But we are, ultimately, OK with this. Indeed, the term “troll” is inherently ambiguous to begin with. It is virtually impossible to say, for certain, that a given tweet is trolling. As such, it really comes down to a definition of troll behavior, and the collection of appropriate data. Given that, we have shown that we are able to classify trolls very well!
Finally, we are pleased that when we test on a temporal split of the data we still achieve high classification accuracy. A concern of ours from the onset of this investigation was that our model might learn some underlying distribution of topics (that are correlated with the date/time the tweet is posted at) and not what we truly cared about: trolls invariant to the topic. Since our models do well in the case where the tweets span a new range of dates in the future, we can say with confidence that it has learned some kind of sensible generalization!
In the future, we would like to first collect more varied data related to trolls and non-trolls. In this project, we used data relating to the 2016 U.S. presidential elections because it was available and topically relevant. However, an extension to our models would be to see if they can predict any types of trolls with high accuracy. Furthermore, given the success of Logistic Regression with a simple Bag-of-Words representation, it may be interesting to combine it with the sentence embeddings from InferSent.
Thank you to all of the teaching staff for AC209a. We have greatly enjoyed the material and benefited immensely from your knowledge, support, and enthusiasm for the subject.